I do not copy, but paint from nature, landscapes, animals and anything but portraits. I do not always succeed to my own satisfaction. - Augusta I. C. Metcalfe
The original Corson homestead consisted of 160 acres of land that lay in the Washita River valley. After the death of Augusta's mother, Mary, in 1920, Augusta and son Howard named the Corson/Metcalfe home Break O' Day Farm. The Break O' Day Farm now consists of 640 acres of untamed prairie land and many attractions. If weather permits, there is a dirt trail that leads you to the banks of the Washita River. The long trail measures 3/10 of a mile. The trail will also give you access to the red rock foundation of the original Corson home where Howard was born, as well as the grave site of Mary Corson. As you walk, enjoy the abundance of wild life such as turkey, quail, raccoons, white tail deer and squirrels. Bird watchers also come out to see a wide variety of birds such as a Painted Bunting, Indigo Bunting and on some occasions, the Bald Eagle.
I like to paint things that were of the long ago, I can see things as they were way back in No Mans Land, long horns, mustangs, broncs. Yes, I like rodeos! - Augusta I. C. Metcalfe
Augusta Home
There are several out buildings that contain many Corson/Metcalfe family artifacts as well as a wide pioneer-inspired antique collection. One of our most well loved attractions is the original house where Augusta spent many hours painting while her beloved pet deer, Daisy, lay fire side. Another attraction is the original building of the Blue Goose Saloon which once stood in the tiny community of Hamburg, Oklahoma. There is a fascinating and humorous connection between Augusta's art and the Blue Goose Saloon that your guide will be sure and share with you. Please note that the availability to any outside activity (this includes both trails and out buildings) is subject to weather and our discretion.
The original Corson homestead consisted of 160 acres of land that lay in the Washita River valley. After the death of Augusta's mother Mary in 1920, Augusta and son Howard named the Corson/Metcalfe home Break O' Day Farm. The Break O' Day Farm now consists of 640 acres of untamed prairie land and many attractions. If weather permits, there are two dirt trails that lead you past the banks of the Washita River. The long trail measures 3/10 of a mile and the short trail measures 8/10 of a mile. Both trails will also give you access to the red rock foundation of the original Corson home where Howard was born, as well as the grave site of Mary Corson. As you walk the trails, enjoy the abundance of wild life such as turkey, quail, raccoon, white tail deer, and squirrels. Bird watchers also come out to see a wide variety of birds such as a Painted Bunting, Indigo Bunting and on some occasions, the Bald Eagle.
One section of the trail
Arts & Event Center
Augusta and her son Howard were often hosting friends and meetings and this is a tradition we at the Break O' Day Farm would love to continue. Our Arts & Events Center makes that possible. Over the duration of the summer the Metcalfe Arts & Events Center has already seen large groups of people come through to attend various activities and camps. The building consists of a fully functional kitchen with an added island to give extra space for handling large crowds. The open floor plan ensures enough room to house a dance floor for receptions, multiple tables and chairs for meetings, and enough space to break into groups for camp activities. Large picture windows give guests a spectacular view of the well-manicured Metcalfe Museum grounds with easy access to the museum compound and nature walking trails. The Metcalfe Museum and Break O' Day Farm is excited to offer our community the chance to use our facilities. Please call for pricing and to make sure your dates are available.
Behind the museum and art gallery is a compound where guests are free to eat packed lunches or just sit and rest in the country air.
The Metcalfe Art Gallery shows both original art work of Augusta Metcalfe as well as displays from other local guest artists. All displays are periodically changed out so that we may exhibit as much of our collection of Augusta's work as possible.
The Metcalfe Museum also offers a gift shop during our operating hours. We carry a wide variety of pioneer life inspired toys, cook books, and reading material. Also for purchase are various Oklahoma made products that include painted china and hand knitted or sewn items. From time to time, we offer reprints of some of Augusta's most admired work. Please call or come by for availability.
The Metcalfe Art Gallery shows both original art work of Augusta Metcalfe as well as displays from other local guest artists. All displays are periodically changed out so that we may exhibit as much of our collection of Augusta's work as possible.
The Metcalfe Museum also offers a gift shop during our operating hours. We carry a wide variety of pioneer life inspired toys, cook books, and reading material. Also for purchase are various Oklahoma made products that include painted china and hand knitted or sewn items. From time to time, we offer reprints of some of Augusta's most admired work. Please call or come by for availability.

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Ranch history in oils and artifacts: The Metcalfe Museum opens for spring
Ranch history in oils and artifacts: The Metcalfe Museum opens for spring
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Pioneer Painter
Metcalf was a painter whose works reflected her first-hand knowledge of ranching life, her view of the Oklahoma landscape and the local history surrounding her. Her works have been commissioned by art galleries such as the Grand Central Station in New York and Philbrook Museum of Art in Tulsa and have also been printed in Life magazine and other national publications.